Performance Update #4 (Performance Report) Major Texas Chemical Company using Cemtek-Unisearch Tunable Diode Laser Analyzer (TDL) to monitor real-time NH3 & H2O


Performance Update #4 (Performance Report) Major Texas Chemical Company using Cemtek-
Unisearch Tunable Diode Laser Analyzer (TDL) to monitor real-time NH3 & H2O

Santa Ana, CA, – October 26th, 2019
Cemtek KVB-Enertec, a technology leader in Continuous Emissions Monitoring Systems (CEMS) engineered, built, tested, installed and initiated a TDL Analyzer for monitoring NH3 slip & Moisture at a major Chemical Company in Texas. The proven Cemtek/Unisearch Model 7000 Tunable Diode Laser (TDL) Monitor was engineered, supplied & started up by Cemtek KVBEnertec. The TDL NH3 analyzer proved to be very valuable and showed a level of accuracy far superior to the calculated slip that had been using for years. The operators immediately realized they may have been over injecting NH3 and were able to reduce NH3 slip and still remain in compliance. The chemical plants operations manager stated that prior to our TDL being installed they always felt they were flying blind and hoping for the best. He estimated that ROI payback would be less than 3 years if not sooner based on reduced NH3 usage.

The operators can now run the boiler with confidence that they are always in compliance with NOx emissions limits and
NH3 slip limits and gives them far better control of the entire process. The play is to use this for automatic control in the future. The laser-based analyzer is a marked improvement on existing technologies used to measure NH3 & H2O and other gasses in clean, harsh or dangerous applications. The simplicity, accuracy, performance, and unmatched reliability results in measurable cost savings for this customer and a short payback time.

Cemtek’s Model 7000 Laser Monitor is a continuous emission monitor designed to measure flue gases for both compliance and process monitoring in the most demanding of applications. The TDL utilizes a near infrared (NIR) Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Spectrometer System utilizing a single mode Distributed Feedback Laser (DFB Laser) for unsurpassed accuracy and performance. Since the spectral purity of the Laser is high and the selected absorption feature is unique, measurements can be made free of interferences from any other gas. The measurements are made in‐situ across the Stack (also known as Integrated Path or “IP”) in either a single or dual pass design depending upon the requirements of the application. A Windows-based Software package is available to display the data on either a host laptop PC or the client’s existing Data Acquisition system.

For more information on the Cemtek 7000 TDL monitor, please visit:

Cemtek KVB-Enertec is a division of Cemtek Group and provides a single source for cost effective engineering, gas monitoring, Data Acquisition systems (DAHS), CEMS design, integration and field services. All phases of Air Monitoring and reporting requirements are provided using our network of highly skilled Field Service Technicians, CEMS Specialists, Engineers and extensive CEMS design experience, measuring NO, NO2, NOX, SO2, CO, CO2, HCl, NH3, THC, H2S, HCN, HF, HCHO, Hg and many process gasses.

  • Gary Cacciatore

  • (714) 904-0767


  • Cemtek KVB-Enterec, Inc.